14. September 2022

Rosemary – Progress as the fruit of saving

"In the future, I would like to turn my small store into a wholesale business. I also want to buy a mill to grind porridge so that I have other sources of income besides the store." - Rosemary Anania

From refugee to self-sufficient

It’s hard to believe that the 47-year-old mother was still facing nothing in 2018. Due to the brutal civil war in South Sudan, Rosemary fled with her four children to the northwest of Uganda. She had to leave her belongings behind. The fact that Rosemary now has both feet back on the ground is thanks to her tireless hard work and the help from ForAfrika.

Rosemary was part of a group of 30 refugees and locals who were trained in vegetable growing by local ForAfrika staff. It also received seeds, tools and practical know-how on efficient agricultural techniques. Rosemary immediately began to put what she had learned into practice on her small plot of land in the Imvepi refugee settlement and was soon able to feed her children herself again. She sold the surplus harvest at the market and earned a small income.

Beyond self-sufficiency

Building on the agricultural training, Rosemary and other participants were trained in the basic understanding of saving and investing. In self-organized “savings groups”, participants undertake to put a minimum weekly amount into a piggy bank, from which they can then grant small loans. Rosemary saved more than the minimum amount on her own initiative and was able to open a small store with it.

“I decided to take out a loan of 450,000 UGX (approx. 110 CHF) from our savings group to expand the trade,” explains Rosemary. “I have now been able to expand the store into a retail business.” She now employs additional staff to work in the garden. This is how multiplication happens at all levels. Rosemary’s life is an encouraging example of how the agriculture project is helping local communities to flourish.

Rosemary in front of her store

The house and Rosemary’s chickens

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Donate now and help us to guide even more people like Rosemary to self-suficency!

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