Hike ForAfrica - August 24, 2024

Take on the challenge of a lifetime and change the history of people in Africa!

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The water supply in many areas of southern Africa is often very poor. Contaminated drinking water leads to diseases that sometimes even end in death! It takes hours of tiring walking to get to the nearest water source. Women lose precious time for their children or field work and girls cannot go to school because of this.

That’s why around 50 hikers invested their time on the last hike and hiked for Africa. The goal was 100 km – or as long as your feet would carry you – around Lake Zurich. In this way, we shortened the distance traveled by many people in southern Africa, as the donations from the hike went towards well projects for Mozambique.

Info about the hike

Will you be there this year? Then reserve Saturday, August 24, 2024 and register today. Look for personal sponsors who will support you per kilometer or with a lump sum!

100 kilometers of hiking in 24 hours. Or as many kilometers as possible (exit possible at any time). In one piece. Through the night. Towards the sunrise.

Motivate as many personal sponsors as possible to support you per kilometer or with a lump sum. All hikers receive a personalized account on a sponsored run platform through which the sponsors can pledge donations and transfer them after the hike.

The hike will take place on Saturday, August 24, 2024. We will all start together at 08:00 in Zurich on the Blatterwiese . The route will go 100 kilometers around Lake Zurich and everyone will run as far as they can or want to.

To the route

There will be a refreshment station with drinks and snacks approximately every 10 km. No main meals are provided. You must also bring your own drinking bottle.

Is hiking not your thing? Then help us at the refreshment posts. Prepare sandwiches and snacks or become part of the mobile refreshment post team with your car.

Register as a helper.

At least one new well is planned in northern Uganda. We tap clean water with a 70 – 90 meter deep borehole, install a hand pump, train the population in the use of water and hygiene and form a water committee to ensure the sustainability of the project. We will use all surplus donations for further well projects in Uganda.

About the projects.

Registration deadline: July 24, 2024

The following hikers will be at the start this year!

Lump sums: These can be made before the Hike ForArika via the donation buttons.

Amounts per kilometer: After the hike, the kilometers achieved will be posted under the corresponding photos.

Hike project

The “hiked” donations will flow into our well project in Uganda and transform numerous communities. Access to water will promote health, strengthen agriculture and livestock farming and save a huge amount of time so that girls can go to school instead of carrying water and mothers have time for their children or farming.


WASH – Water and wells for Uganda

Training courses, 100 well renovations, 10 boreholes, 20 water tanks and 10 irrigation systems are planned. The planned project promotes hygiene, health, agriculture, livestock farming and food security through access to water.

Become a hike sponsor

Join forces with your company to create positive change in African communities and become a partner of Hike ForAfrica. Support the project with donations in kind (such as food and T-shirts) or monetary donations (for wells in Uganda) and make a commitment to a fairer world as a company. We will be happy to provide you with individual advice at b.aebersold@forafrika.ch.

We would like to thank our partner companies for their support and social commitment.

News from ForAfrica

Schweiz ForAfrika


JAM International has been passionately committed to the wonderful and at the same time highly contested continent of Africa for almost 40 years and JAM Switzerland for 15 years …

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